For me, autumn runs from late September, through to the end of November.

I must admit it's my favourite time of year to photograph. Every time I go somewhere at this time of year I find myself daydreaming at the tree colours, wishing I had a horse and camera with me to capture gorgeous images.

Golden sunsets, jumpers, crispy leaves... there are lots of reasons to love the outcome of a photoshoot in autumn. It can feel like a bit of a tough decision when choosing the time of year to book your equine photoshoot, but I've gathered (in my opinion) the top 10 reasons you should book yours in the autumn. 

1. Shorter Days, Earlier Sunsets...

The days are getting shorter, which means sunset shoots are now more accessible. Perfect when you want to be home in time for tea. The clocks change here in the UK, so sunset/golden hour shoots can start at the more respectable time of between 3-4pm. Honestly the combination of golden light through orange and red leaves is to die for.

2. Those Gorgeous Autumn Colours...

The leaves are changing, the ground gets crunchy and the colours are just spectacular here in the UK. Most yards have a hedge line or trees somewhere, and depending on how deep into autumn you go, mother nature can put a real colour show on for us. 

Call me on 07958101755 to book your shoot, or fill out the enquiry form below.

3. Autumn Wardrobe..

Cue woolly jumpers, jeans and boots. Autumn in the perfect time to bring out that knitwear and get snuggly with your horse and pony. Often early autumn is still warm enough to get away with wearing a dress or t-shirt as well without being too cold, which means we can really ramp up the variety in your outfits. Perfect for those who want to dress up and go all out with their style choices.

4. The Weather...

I often get asked how I manage to run a business that depends so much on the great British weather, and honestly, I have learned to live with it. All my shoots are done outside in natural light, so the weather has to be good enough to work with my equipment outdoors. This often means if it's too windy or wet, we will reschedule your photoshoot (no big deal, it happens often!). In autumn though, it's still a comfortable climate most of the time.

5. The Temperature...

As a follow on from my last couple of points, autumn being slightly cooler generally means you can bring out the shirts and jumpers without being too warm which is nice. Often it's comfortable enough to wear a dress as well which means you can boost the variety in your outfits choices. It tends to be neither too hot or too cold for your equine partner, too. Often the drop in temperature means less flies... Bonus! Everyone is happy!

Call me on 07958101755 to book your shoot, or fill out the enquiry form below.

6. Preparation...

I'm not going to lie, it can feel like a daunting task getting everything prepared for a photoshoot. I know you want everything to be perfect. Autumn is the perfect time to make yourself a cuppa and crack on with prep - you might have clipped your horse by now so they can look super smart, too. Autumn is still not quite cold enough for numb fingers whilst bathing and tack cleaning either.

To help with your prep, I've put my super helpful checklist at the bottom of this page (free to download!) to make sure you've got everything ready for your photoshoot.

7. Fluffy Or Clipped, Your Choice...

Some horses do struggle with things like sweet itch in the summer, and if this is your horse then autumn could be the perfect compromise. If you love your horses clipped coat, this might be the season for you as well. Equally if you don't clip and you want to go for super fluffy, snuggly photos then this might be the ideal season for you. 

8. Less Competitions, More Time...

A lot of equestrians are super busy with competing over the summer depending on what your chosen discipline is. Whilst your horse still looks in great condition from the summer, autumn might be less busy and give you more time to fully plan and prepare for your photoshoot without sacrificing any shows.

9. Soft Autumn Light...

Let's be honest, it's more likely to be overcast and grey at this time of year, but that's my favourite for equine photoshoots. Overcast days create a beautiful soft light that makes your skin glow in the final images. 

10. Don't Get Hung Up On The Small Stuff...

I know how much you want everything to be perfect for your equine photoshoot. It's a once in a lifetime experience and a chance to get all those images of you and your horse that you've been dreaming of.

If you get too hung up on the small details and try to make everything too perfect, then you'll never take the leap and get yourself booked in.

All year round the seasons provide beauty, but it's not about the background or the weather, it's about your relationship with you horse. The rest is just an added bonus.

I'm so passionate about capturing memories whilst they're happy, and I know too many people that have regretted leaving it too late to have some photos with their horse. Anything can change overnight, life can take a turn for the worse with no warning. 

All my clients who have lost horses after their shoot have said it was the best thing they ever invested in. 

There will never be a perfect time, so let that time be now. 

25.06.2024 - At the time of writing this I am currently taking bookings from October 2024, with very limited autumn 2024 availability.

Call me on 07958101755 to book your shoot, or fill out the enquiry form below.

Planning your dream photoshoot? Grab my free photoshoot checklist here.