This is the third time I've worked with Jo & Jimmy now, though before we have only ever done mini sessions, so it felt so lovely to spend a lot more time taking Jo and Dean through my full session experience. Jo was one of my first clients a few years ago, it has been great to stay in touch and do numerous photoshoots for them over the years. 

Jimmy is a 15.3Hh Irish Draught x Thoroughbred. He's a beautiful bright bay and he's now 20 years old. Jo has had him for 15 years now, so they have an incredible bond. Jo describes him as grumpy and a little fidgety, but actually he was a really good boy and super patient throughout the whole process.

We were really lucky to get to use the hay field at their livery yard for some photos. I love shooting in long grass, I think coupled with a white dress and all the buttercups it makes a beautiful photo.

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Jo went for a couple of looks including a couple of dresses and a more casual jeans look which was really lovely. She also wanted a photo sat on Jimmy bareback, so we used the school as a safe place to begin with, then moved to the field once we knew Jimmy was going to be alright. Jo's partner, Dean, also joined us for some photos and had some on his own with Jimmy which was really lovely. 

I'm so grateful when clients trust me with their memories year after year, and with Jimmy getting older it's so important to capture those moments whilst he is still happy and healthy. We created a gorgeous 3 in 1 for Jo, she also had one of my standard frames too which I know will look gorgeous on the wall once they've bought their first home together.

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